Primafin SBAG
Hydrophobic Micro
High concentration silicone to give very good surface feel and inner feel on cotton and blends
Primafin MP 80
Hydrophilic Block
Exhaust & Padding
Hydrophilic and high water retention suitable for terry towel finishing to give overall good surface and bouncy feel
Primafin GEN X
Hydrophobic Block
Exhaust & Padding
Fragranced Silicone for no odour finish. Provides good overall surface and inner feel on cotton and blends
Primafin HTB 40
Hydrophobic Macro
High performance and concentrated silicone to give excellent surface feel on cotton and blends
Primafin MP 120
Hydrophilic Block
Exhaust & Padding
High concentration and shear stable hydrophilic silicone for formulation and suitable for full whites and dyed substrates
Primafin SENY
Hydrophobic Block
Exhaust & Padding
Concentrated and high performance silicone to give very good surface and excellent inner feel on cotton and polyester
Primafin EHSF
Hydrophilic Block
Exhaust & Padding
Hydrophilicity and surface feel on cotton and blends and suitable for full whites and dyed substrates
Primafin NIP Premium
Non Ionic
Good surface feel when applied through padding process. Exhibits high stability in extremely hard water.
Primafin RW Special
Non Ionic
Hydrophilic non-ionic softener for application on terry towels to assist in high water retention. Suitable on full whites and dyed substrates.
Primafin ACSK
Concentrated cold water soluble cationic softener flakes for formulation and application.
Primafin NYF
Hydrophilic cationic softener for application in padding and exhaust on cotton and blends.
Primafin NS 100
Non Ionic
Concentrated water soluble non-ionic softener in flake form for formulation and application.
Sorbecid CAN
Organic Acids
High performance acid buffer for alkali neutralization from the bath, from the fabric and even from the core of the fibre.
Enzymes Biopolishing
Vintage ACM
Acidic pH
Concentrated and high activity enzymatic bio-polishing to remove the loose fibers and lints from the surface of cellulose substrate
Sorbenz CR
Neutral pH
Concentrated bio-polishing enzyme to work at neutral pH. Suitable for dyed cotton in fabric or garment form to remove surface fibers